Log in to your Linksys router using the Web interface. You can now set up your router and configure your network. When the router powers back on, factory default settings are restored. Press and hold the Reset button for 10 to 15 seconds. Insert the paperclip into the Reset hole to press the button.

The Reset button is in a tiny hole adjacent to the WAN or Internet port on most D-Link models. Locate the “Reset” button on the D-Link router. Straighten a paperclip so you have at least an inch of straight wire.

When you reset your D-Link, all network settings, passphrases and configurations are deleted. Your Internet service provider may request that you perform a factory reset on the router if you are troubleshooting connection problems. You can reset the router back to factory default settings. IF the above does not work you can do the following: If you hold this button down for 10-20 seconds, it will reset the router to factory defaults and they will be able to use the preset network name and password to login. If they still can’t login using the preset network name and password, there is a reset button on the back of the routers. We generally don’t change settings for customers unless they request to.
In addition, the network name and password are printed on the router itself, usually it is printed by their serial number information on the bottom side of the router. The network name and password are usually on a sticker that is attached to the inside packaging. All the routers we sell now come with preset network names and passwords.